Weekly Update 45


Yes, this is another first day photo, but it has the happy parents in it. πŸ™‚ Looking at this picture, I realize how much IL has grown already. He was 6 lbs 8 oz, and is now 6 lbs 15 oz. That doesn’t sound like much, but he is noticeably bigger. He is eating quite a bit, and is otherwise healthy.

D & M are doing a great job of adjusting to their new life with a baby. D feeds him regularly, and M has agreed to feed him in the upcoming month to help earn his reverence badge in Cub Scouts.

D, sadly, had a stomach bug and missed school for a couple days. Probably being overprotective, I quarantined IL in his nursery until she was better. Which meant I finally got caught up on blog comments!

My mom, and neice L with IL.

And my dad feeding IL.

Reading in the upcoming week

Currently Reading

I am listening to two audiobooks: Fool Moon, for my Dresden Files Group Read, and Vaccine Race. I know I’m being too careful, yet again, but I don’t want IL to hear Fool Moon because it’s scary. A nice nonfiction work is so much more educational. 😊

My Serial Read is Scarlet Letter, and my work of fiction is American Overdose.

Completed this week


This was also considered ok for baby ears, and I got plenty of quality time with IL while listening to it.

Acquired this week


16 thoughts on “Weekly Update 45

    1. I will certainly decide to post my thoughts, I have just been having trouble posting reviews (and sticking to one book) lately. But hopefully that can settle down as I get a routine with the new baby. πŸ™‚


  1. Oh! I started and stopped Scarlet Letter on Serial Reader. Let me know where you are and I’ll catch up. And what “size” are you reading?


  2. Great photos! He looks so small. It’s hard to believe they were every so small as they grow up too fast. I love Harry Dresden with James Marsters narrating! I hope you are having a wonderful holiday week. Anne – Books of My Heart


    1. Yes, I love the narrations of the Dresden books. I’m enjoying them quite a bit. Funny, I keep thinking how big he looks compared to his first day – but then again, I think I included a first day photo in this batch, so you’d have seen him as small as he used to be. πŸ™‚


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