Update August 31, 2019

Hi all! This week started out rough with a trip to the ER for my mom. She had a minor seizure in church, and her neurologist wanted us to get her Keppra (anti-seizure medication) blood levels checked. I drove her there, and we spent a few hours hanging in the ER. She was fine by the time we got there, of course.

My second week at work went great. I remembered pretty quickly how to do the job, and thus had a good first week of on-the-job training. I’m glad to be out of those orientations, they were really difficult for me to sit still in.

I’m also going to re-start trying to lose weight, both by counting calories and walking. I’ve decided this time to try a 1,700 calorie a day (average for a week) budget. Last week, I lost 14oz! (In theory.) And I downloaded the Walk to Mordor App on my phone, and will start logging my steps on my way to Mordor. 🙂 Right now, I am just stepping out of my door. I know I tried this earlier in the year, but if at first you don’t succeed, try, try again?


I didn’t get as much reading done as I would like, but I’ve decided to start my Labor Day Readathon already. I started Saturday night at 7:00pm (after work):

Saturday: 1 hour of Radium Girls

Sunday: (so far) 2.5 hours Radium Girls (finished), followed by Good Omens.

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