History Nonfiction Reading Challenge 2020

History Challenge

Hi All! After scouring the archives of challenges in the past, I discovered a paucity of history challenges. I plan on reading a lot of history next year, and think it would be interesting to see what others are reading too. I will post a linky on the first day of every month so you can include any nonfiction history books you’re reading. The rules are not strict – if you consider the book to be history, then go ahead and post it.

Personally, I will be reading a bunch of books about the world history (mostly English) around the time of Henry VIII. This is because the third book of the Wolf Hall trilogy will be coming out, and I want to understand the sociopolitical background of the book while I’m reading it. Incidentally, you’re welcome to join me for a readalong of that trilogy. 🙂


I’m starting reading the books now, so I’ll just start the challenge on December 1st 2019.

13 thoughts on “History Nonfiction Reading Challenge 2020

  1. Hi! I added your two challenges to our Master List of 2020 Reading Challenges. Watch for that post to be updated. Do you have a linky for the history challenge too? I’ll personally be joining the history challenge although I won’t post about the challenges I’m participating in until December after I’ve decided on them all. I’ll post my updates on Instagram too @chapteradventure. – Kim


  2. I am going to join this challenge! I hope to have a kick-off post ready after the Xmas holidays. I have many historical biographies on my TBR and want to read some current political history. Hope hope and your family have a Happy Christmas!


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