Nonfiction November 2019 Week 2 (A little late)


Week 2: (Nov. 4 to 8) – Book Pairing (Sarah of Sarah’s Book Shelves): This week, pair up a nonfiction book with a fiction title. It can be a “If you loved this book, read this!” or just two titles that you think would go well together. Maybe it’s a historical novel and you’d like to get the real history by reading a nonfiction version of the story.



First, a pair I’d like to read. I have been fascinated at the concept behind The Janissary Tree (a mystery novel set in 1830’s Istanbul) for a while, and it would be fun to pair that with an historical book on the Ottoman Empire. This empire has been haunting the imagination of historical fiction writers for quite a while – I wish there were as many fantastic history books on the subject as there are fiction, but most have a poor rating. I’m trying to find one that appeals. Any suggestions other than the book above?



Since the third book in the Wolf Hall trilogy is finally coming out in March, I may listen to the first two, along with a biography of Thomas Cromwell this coming year. This one looks well-written.



4 thoughts on “Nonfiction November 2019 Week 2 (A little late)

  1. All the books look good. I need to delve further into the Ottoman Empire myself. I have done some reading on The English Civil War and the Restoration over the years but I have yet to read a biography of Cromwell.


    1. Yeah, Ottoman empire is something I really need to read more about. (Like the Revolutionary War, as I mentioned on your blog.) So many things to focus on! I’m contemplating next year reading The Decline and Fall of Rome and filling my reading list with ancient Rome books, though, so I guess I’ll be busy for a while!


  2. I love the idea of Nonfiction November! I haven’t read nonfiction in ages, seems like. Wolf Hall looks super interesting, I think there was a show adaptation too? It sounds really familiar. I remember hearing the book was good.


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